In this first ever Monthly Transaction Monitor Report, we analyze deal volumes within our 6 Practice Groups on a monthly basis, evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on business valuations, compare various public indices highlighting relevant sectors/segments, and more.
August 2020 Report Takeaways:
- Declines Have Been Pronounced, Perhaps Less Than Expected However
- Control sale transaction volumes have declined significantly since the pandemic took hold of the U.S. economy in early March 2020
- The decline appears to have reached a lower bound in May 2020, when deal volumes were down in aggregate by 51 percent versus the year-earlier period
- A Modest Rebound Appears To Be Underway
- The decline in closings persisted though July 2020 but it appears to have been less pronounced than in earlier months. July data is still being finalized, with preliminary data suggesting a 30-35 percent drop versus July 2019
- The Extent of Valaution Degradation Remains Unclear But, As Always, It Depends On The Company/Industry Specific Circumstances
- The public markets were hit hard by Covid-19, with the S&P 500 Index declining by nearly 31 percent from January 1 through March 23 – The S&P Industrials Index was hit even harder, down 40 percent during the same period
To read the full Monthly Transaction Monitor Report, download below
If you are interested in discussing any of the transaction analysis from this report, or if you would like to discuss your own acquisition goals contact Dan Shea below, or reach out at (800) 849-7010 or [email protected] to be directed to the appropriate team member.
About the Author:
Dan Shea
Managing Director
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